A Program within the
TBD is where RTD is scaled-up and it develops into organic macromolecules such as polymers and proteins and then into self-organizing, self-reproducing organisms - LIFE Itself. There is one major, central Project - BMCC- Biomolecular Communication and Control. This is where we are investigating how some of the same principles and logics that operate in fundamental physics, at the sacle of pre-spacetime and particle physics, including elements of topological orders, CQER (coherent quantum entanglement resonance) and QP (quantum potentials), are operating at the macroscopic and more complex scales of molecules, particularly polymeric macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, and in composite organized macromolecular bio-machines - viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic cells. We are studying in particular processes and relationships that are comparable to "computation" in cellular membranes and in microtubulare networks (cytoskeleton), and cybernetic (control) "algorithms" that modulate activation and deactivation of genes, for control of protein production and subsequent cellular behaviors. The following can be helpful introductions as well:
Comprising TETRAD Institute is a faculty comprised of Fellows, Mentors, Researchers and Visitors. There are organizational affiliations with multiple universities and other institutions but the Institute and PRIMUS Center are independent from any other external institution. (The mission and activities are consistent and similar to some of the original motivations and founding ideas of the Institute for Advanced Study, Perimeter, Kavli, and several others worldwide.) (Additional Program Activity)
Selected Bibliography of Relevant Papers by Fellows, Associates, and Others (works that connect closely and/or supportively to PRIMUS research focus)
We will be opening other public websites soon with papers, presentations and video lectures. See also (above) links to the pages of the predecessor Institute for Innovative Study and within it, the LEAPS Lab (Laboratory for Emergent Adaptive Processes and Systems). For further information, contact us via +1 (231) 492-8301 or +1 (505) 926-1399 or by email to contact@tdyn.org.
Contact: +1 (231) 492-8301 (voice/text/Viber/WhatsApp), +1 (562) 399-2890, +1 (505) 926-1399
TETRAD Institute is a private not-for-profit international research organization dedicated to advancement of culture through science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, working in collaboration with partners in academia, industry, and others within both the public and private sectors.
contact@tdyn.org, martinjoseph (at) tdyn.org, rachaelc (at) intelrenaissance.com, martin.dudziak@gmail.com